Dr. Vinita Ramnani
Eye Surgeon & Glaucoma Expert
Dr. Vinita Ramnani has an experience of over 26 years in Ophthalmology and has been a practicing Ophthalmologist ever since completion of her Masters in 1994. She has done her fellowship in glaucoma from LV Prasad Eye Institute Hyderabad & worked at MGM Medical College Navi Mumbai. She is versatile Surgeon with Vast Comprehensive work of total 30000 surgeries like cataract, glaucoma, squint, Pterygium, keratoplasty, lid and sac surgeries along with medical retina and paediatric ophthalmology.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to provide best vision to all by quality eye care services with utmost safety, experienced team incorporating recent tech-know-informatics through state of art integrated multi-speciality quaternary care hospital of central India.
Our Mission
Committed to serve diverse needs of eye care at bhopal with best team at affordable prices in safe enviornment with backup support of multispeciality center of excellence.
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